ملكة الهند

  Villaggio Restaurants Village, طريق الملك سعود, الخبرAl, King Saud Road, الخبر 34433


جهات الاتصال

Villaggio Restaurants Village, طريق الملك سعود, الخبرAl, King Saud Road, الخبر 34433


إرسال التحديثات أو إزالة


Queen Of India

We bring to you delightfull dishes from the land of India that are sure to tantalize your taste buds and mesmerize you. We have spent years understanding Indian cuisine - its spices, flavours, aromas and condiments. Based on our deep understanding, we have carefully curated a selection of gourmet dishes. To ensure that you get authentic Indian food, we have an immensely experienced team of chefs & cooks who belong to Indian nationality.